Francesca Piccinini, from the spike to the bandeja: “I’m still at the beginning, but I would like to play with Coello”

She knows a thing or two about spikes, being one of the strongest Italian volleyball players of all time. However, when it comes to padel, Francesca Piccinini says she still has a long way to go and needs to learn from the greats how to play the bandeja and the vibora. Perhaps that’s why the former Italian volleyball player came to the Allianz Cloud to watch the semifinals of the Milano Premier Padel P1. Elegant and in perfect shape, Piccinini spoke about her passion for the “pala”: “It’s the sport I practice most regularly after leaving volleyball, but I’m still at the beginning and I’m still a beginner. But it’s fun and helps me stay in shape,” she says. Her statuesque physique gives her an excellent athletic base, even for the spikes she once specialized in, but in this case the technical gesture still needs to be perfected: “With the smash, the ball definitely goes down, but there’s a lot to improve”.

Regarding the Milano Premier Padel P1, Federica says she watched the matches of the previous days on TV, but was impressed today when she sat in the stands: “It’s a whole different sport, it’s impressive and the players are phenomenal”. Speaking of players, the champion admits that “Coello is my favorite and I would like to play with him one day, but I also support Lebron“.